Our Services
Ongoing Support
We pride ourselves on our unique services that cater to the individual needs of our residents. From counseling services to assistance with finding a job, our team is here to support you every step of the way.
Medical Consultations
All for One
Proverb House is much more than a residence for recovering individuals. We believe that giving residents the tools they need helps pave the way for a their long-lasting, healthy recovery. Reach out to learn more.
Counseling Services
Help You Need
At Proverb House, we offer an unparalleled support network that’s tailored to the changing needs of our residents. Our Counseling Services are at the core of our offering, helping community members get back on track.
Career Sessions
There for You
At Proverb House, we believe that everybody deserves a fresh start. Our Career Sessions offer a safe space for residents to plan the next steps in their healing process. Get in touch with our team to learn more.